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You can make money writing,if you write very informational blogs or hubs and do not copy others content.

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I make money writing on and
People ask,how do you make money writing,and what do you write about?
I explain that you write about life adventures,say going on vacation to some part of the world.
You can write about a life experience such as a fishing or hunting trip.
I write about recipes,hunting,fishing,my dogs,bugs,anything that has to do with a life experience.
One thing you cannot do is copy other peoples writings and paste them onto a page,such as blogspot or hubpages.
The writing has too be your own life experiences.
The way to make money is to write a page with 800 or more words and write as many stories as you can.Write and link each story to the best story you have wrote,if it is on the same subject,say fishing,you wrote a blog or hub on fishing and then you wrote a new hub or blog on fish,fishing poles,bait,etc.This draws a bigger percentage of readers to the main blog,which means you get more page impressions and clicks which lead to more money being made.
Once you start writing you will see that it will get easier after each blog or hub published.
Just remember to write good content,add photo's and 3 or more videos on the subject you are writing,which are free from your own or you-tube,plus a few other sites.
You need to draw Traffic with High Paying Ads+Relevant Ads+Optimally positioned+Good Ad Design.You can join Affiliate programs such as Amazon,E-Bay,Kontera and Google Adsense.
You will most likely see no money until you have written and published at least 15 stories and have been searched by SEOs{search Engine optimization}which means your writings have to be recognized as good reading,information and not copied.It takes something like 10 months on average to make money with good Blogs.
You will see a very few cents at a time in your earnings per day,as you are paid by total impressions and clicks on your hubs or blogs.
It is important not to place a bunch of junk on your blogs as this takes away from people clicking on a google advertisement.
You will learn as you advance,as google and hubpages will help you write better articles through there respective on line classes[FREE].

Now that you know a little about making money writing,you may be interested in signing up on You can also make money with Data Entry processing. If you can type you can make money sending bills out for big companies,or whomever needs billing help.
I prefer using hubpages and blogger to make money as they Google adsense places advertizements relevent to your writings.

You can make money stuffing envelopes.

You can make money with GOOGLE ADSENSE

You can start with a mere $5 dollars.All you do is bid on keywords that are relative to your stories,say like and when people click on your adds,you recieve a percentage of the money..
Google will train you for free on how to get clicks,how to backlink your stories,they will show you how to place affiliate programs on your site,all free.
Now if you join the adwords program it will cost a mere $5 dollars as I stated before,and when people click on your keywords you will earn money.
Remember the better your story is the more people will come visit it.
Why is this?because google will place your story on the first page of the search engines.
Say I am looking for a hub on fishing instructions for catching trout!
I will type into the google search box how to catch trout,There you have it.You are on the first page of google by writing good content which will make you money when people click on the google ads,or affiliate programs such as amazon and e-bay.
It sounds hard but it is relavantly easy to get the hang of.Just don't get discouraged,as it will take a few months before you will see income being made,but it will come if you write good content and most of all do not copy other stories or you will not make a penny.
Good Luck on your endevers.

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I live in Montana,and love to garden, fish,camp,hike,hunt,grow a garden,can foods,make money online
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